

Wednesday 14 January 2015


Take for example a city for that matter, there are many streets and each street is different.  There are those streets that are quite dangerous to be at and those that are fairly safe.  It all depends on which street you are at and the chances of you getting through safe or not.

Life too has streets and we pass through them as we are growing up. People grow up in different situations and this in a way determines on how we see things when we are old enough. The stereotype possible mentality may not entirely affect the whole group but may be noticed in some of the individuals from a particular group.

The Different Streets of Growth
Rough and Harsh Environment: This is a street of growth that is full of poverty and at times one may lack the basic necessities.   It is life where the young ones will go through a lot of difficulties and at times learn how to hustle while still very young.  Most of those who have gone through school will tell you that they paid for their own school fees. 

They are exposed to different levels of crime, drugs and other evil things.  As they are growing they might even be involved in some of these things.  Quite a few will come out of these streets of growth unharmed.

The Possible Mentality
·         Negative Attitude towards People from smooth, good environment; they will often become jealous of all other people have and this jealousy soon turns to hate. 

·         They will start to think that the people from safer streets are snobs and therefore will surround themselves with like minded people.

·         They may develop a mindset that success has all to do with luck and chance.

A Fairly Comfortable Environment: This is a middle level street of growth whereby you may not have enough for a luxury life but at least your basic needs are well catered for. 

The Possible Mentality
·         Because of being comfortable of what you have and where they are they might start to be threatened by change instead of embracing it.

·         They often fear to confront their weaknesses.

·         They tend to think that generosity is only associated with those who have a lot to give.  They believe they can’t afford to give.

Smooth, good and luxurious Environment: This is a street of growth where you grow up given everything you want; best education, luxurious life and everything else around you is good. 

The Possible Mentality
·         They may tend to think that people from harsh environment are just too lazy that is why they are in that situation.

Moral Lesson
·         Learn to treat everyone equal no matter the situation they are in. 
·         Get to know people better instead of just putting a tag on their faces before knowing who they are.
·         Always aim in bettering yourself and get out of the comfort zone.
·         Lend a helping hand where you can, whether mentally, physically or financially.
·         Always maintain a positive attitude, challenges face different people at one point in life.

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