

Wednesday 8 June 2016


It is true forgiving is not an easy thing to do but then again who benefits? Definitely it’s the one who forgives. You have already been hurt so don’t continue to inflict further suffering to yourself. Not forgiving or carrying grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Grudge will eat you up inside and before you realize, you have a lot of anger, resentment, stress, anxiety, depression that will in turn bring more harm to your body. 

How to forgive
Ø  Understand that forgiving is a strength and not a weakness
Pride is at times misleading and people with too much pride would think that forgiving is rendering them weak. Forgiving takes courage because in some cases you may look like a fool to others.
Ø  Take responsibility
Learn to take responsibility and stop blaming others for everything that happens to you. Understand yourself as this will help you know when you are wrong too.
Ø  Develop a flexible mind
It is good to realize that people make mistakes and no one is perfect more so we think differently and we were brought up differently. It is important to note that it is hard to change someone not unless he/she is willing to change by him/herself. By doing so you will understand that not everyone is like you hence learn to forgive and tolerate them.
Ø  Don’t live in the past
It will definitely be hard to forgive someone if you are living in the past. Don’t assign more importance to the past, while you can be happy now. Embrace your dark times because there is nothing you can do about it. Learn the lessons and transform for the better.
 Don’t expect everyone to live to your expectations because you are bound to get disappointed; each one of us is unique in our own way and something that pleases you may not please the other person.


  1. For-giving is as you say, a gift to your heart. It is life giving because when we for-give we are able to give ourselves, our life, our souls, free-dom, free from doom, light, lift our vibrational energy, and release ourselves from grudges, criticism, the blame shame game that blocks our life, grace, and progress. Perhaps, if we understand the benefits of forgiving, it will be easier to choose to step up and beyond the pain and hurt that pulls us downward.
    The gift to the heart is peace, heart disease is the #1 killer because so many hearts are weighed down by so much negativity. Heal yourself in light and love; the knowing makes it easier.



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