

Monday 19 January 2015


Take some time to look at your life, your state of mind and how you are feeling.  Be honest with yourself and notice if there are areas of your life that you are neglecting.  Life is so simple, we are the ones who complicate it.  Having a balanced life doesn't mean that it will be full of only positive people and events and that it will always bring you happiness;

A balanced life is when you can always offset any negative events in your life with positive ones.  It is when you are happy working and playing equally.  Happiness is not a matter of intensity but balance, order, rhythm and harmony (Thomas Merton).

Elements that Require Balance
These are the internal and external things in our life.  Often times, people focus on one more than the other.  For example, you may find that you may focus on external things and pay very little attention to what is going on inside you.

1.      Internal (Health, Spiritual, Emotional)
This is all to do with your body and its well being; make sure that you are taking good care of it.
Ø  Your health is a life long journey; it is determined by what you eat.  Eat right and have enough rest.
Ø  Don’t engage in habits that may harm your health.

Be in connection with the creator.
Ø  Improve your relationship with God.  Do you take conscious decision to improve your spirituality?

This has to do with your intellectual being; challenge yourself intellectually and create opportunities for your mind to rest. 
Ø  Learn to control your emotion and not to allow negative emotions get into you; be grateful about something each day.  Express your feelings, especially negative ones.
Ø  Learn to know how to handle stressful moments and take criticism as an opportunity to improve yourself.
Ø  Be confident about yourself and feel secure among others. 
Ø  Make time for yourself

2.      External (Financial, Career, Relationships, Fun)
How you manage your finances is very important in the sense that you are able to grow.
Ø  Always follow a budget and live within your means.
Ø  Have a saving schedule, have an investment plan

Ø  Allocate time for things you enjoy doing and make sure you don’t overdo it. 

Relationships: Family and others
Ø  Create a good relationship with people and also learn to create time for people close to you. 
Ø  Create a good environment for them to be able to express themselves to you.
Ø  Fulfill your family responsibilities and also create healthy boundaries.
Ø  Try to know and understand them well.
Ø  Try as much as possible to meet their needs; emotionally, spiritually, socially or security.
Ø  Satisfy your social desires.

Ø  Have a vision and plan for your career, education, or business.  Try as much as you can to improve them and always invest and reinvest in them. 
Ø  Know what you want when it comes to the above and work hard to achieve it. 

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