

Sunday 19 July 2015


The worst thing you can do is to give up on yourself.  You have the potential to turn yourself into a better person. You don’t have to say that, that is the way I am, but instead strive to improve by finding ways on how you can control those negative inner voices.

Ø  Focus on Solutions and Stop Complaining all the time
Instead of focusing on what made you mad, instead work on resolving the issue at hand. This will help you switch your focus from whatever made you angry to something else and by the time you realize it you will have come up with a solution and forgotten about the trigger.  Anger won’t fix anything; it might only make it worse. 

Even God hates a complaining heart.  Learn to always have a solution or a plan B and by doing this you won’t be complaining all the time. 

Ø  Spend more time with Supportive People
When you are around supportive people, they will encourage you and these will enable you belief in yourself and you will develop positive thoughts. 

Ø  Reduce Self Critical Thoughts
Give yourself a break, don’t be too hard on yourself life is not all that serious.  By reducing self critical thoughts you will be able to focus on what goes well for you and not so much on your problems

Ø  Be Grateful
Learn to appreciate the little things, accept compliments and be contented with what you have at that particular moment as you strive hard to achieve more. 

Ø  Let go of the need to always be perfect
No one is perfect, we all make mistakes at some point in our lives therefore, be the kind of person who can learn from your mistakes and improve on them.  Always remind yourself that mistakes are learning opportunities and not failures. 

Ø  Empower yourself with knowledge
Knowledge is power and it works wonders.  With knowledge you will get the confidence to challenge someone or even stand before others and give your views. 

Ø  Do the right thing
Doing the right thing is a sure way that you will avoid having so many regrets in life.  It will give you confidence and courage to face different situations.  

Ø  Be Kind to other people
By being kind to other people you tend to think of yourself in a kinder way too.

Ø  Relax and Have fun
Let go of unimportant things, don’t think so much on what people would think or say about you, just be yourself, relax and have fun.

There are different relaxing skills e.g. deep breathing exercises, calming words like “take it easy”, Listen to music and do yoga.    

Ø  Set Realistic expectations
When you set unrealistic expectations they leave you so frustrated and may end up feeling unworthy or feel like you are a failure when in reality it is you who has set unrealistic expectations in life. 

Ø  Be willing to adjust your own self Image
Be flexible to match your current abilities and skills. Always explore yourself, accept compliments and remind yourself that everyone excels at different things; this will enable you not to compare yourself with others. 

Open yourself to new opportunities and new thoughts.  Know your strengths and weakness.  This will enable you not to belittled by anyone.

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