

Thursday 9 April 2015


Funny enough negative mindset pattern starts way back in the early stages of someone’s life, as a young person you learn from the people around you and the environment you are at.   For example children will not tell right from wrong therefore they get their guidance from parents/guardians. 

In our neighborhoods or schools you will not only hear people express negative opinions about things and others but perhaps about you as well. It actually doesn’t matter whether they meant it or not.  The fact is we learn behaviors and thought patterns so early in life that, as a rule, we don’t have a conscious awareness of them until we begin to notice their effects and begin to seek their Cause.  Below are some of the causes of negative mindset. 

Ø  Negative environment
At times when you do not see the relation between your thoughts and the environment that you find yourself in, it’s no surprise that you assume that you have no power to change it. So when you think you are powerless over your environment and your environment is negative that causes your negative attitude.

Ø  Criticism and Self Pity
Yes there is constructive criticism but if you are harsh to yourself and constantly criticize focusing on your weakness and perceived flaws then I tell you will eventually develop a negative mindset because you don’t see anything good in you.  You may extend this to others.  Negative self talk and self criticism often result in low self esteem and lack of confidence. 

Ø  Problems and Pain
When people go through a lot of pain and suffering, they tend to see life in a negative way and might end up with a perception that nothing good can come out of it. 

Ø  Wrong beliefs
You see your life through your beliefs and if those beliefs are negative, you will definitely see your life as unhappy or pointless.

Ø  Regret and Guilt
Mistakes made in the past can not be reversed therefore, when you dwell on them and start feeling guilty and worthless then it will play in your mind over and over and these will eventually turn to a negative mindset.  This is so because you see yourself as a failure and therefore think that nothing good can ever come out of you. 

Ø  Unsatisfying circumstances or life
If you find yourself complaining about how unhappy you are, then that is a negative attitude. Your complaining alone can keep you stuck in the circumstances that are unsatisfying. Being discontent and concentrating all the time on what you want instead of appreciating what you have can easily bring negativity in you.

Ø  Anxious Thoughts and Worry
For example, when you start thinking on how your life has been with full of terrible misfortunes, it will repeat over and over in your mind and will eventually create a negative mindset.  You start taking your mind to a pattern that nothing good can ever happen to you. You start imagining or expecting that bad things will happen to you even though nothing has happened yet. 

Ø  Negative friends or family
 It is true that if your friends and family are negative it will eventually start affecting you. Without realizing it you will even start talking like them or having the same views if not careful.

It is true that negative mindset is also caused by problems and unsatisfying circumstances, but it is also true that life’s problems reveal who we really are.  Therefore it is advisable to concentrate on how we can come out of the problems we are facing rather than whining in self pity.  We have the power to change our thoughts and live a positive life.

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