

Sunday 20 September 2015


The person(s) you look up to or admire so much has probably gone through several changes in their lives to be who or where they are right now. Changing for the better is important in everyone’s life. The question is; are you happy of the person you are or would you like to be better?

How to do it
Ø   Identify what you would like to change
Clearly identify the problem or the aspect of yourself that is leading you to seek change. Most definitely there is something that you don’t like about you and would like to change. Listen to constructive criticism and these will enable you identify your problem of not aware of it.

Ø   Change your Mindset
Always start with your mind because this is the biggest obstacle towards change. Do self affirmations and tell yourself positive things about yourself because this keeps you focused.

Develop positive thinking and this will motivate you along the way. “You know you can do it”, and the more you tell yourself that is the more you get the spirit to continue.

Ø   Visualize your changed future
It is good to imagine your new changed life as these will motivate and give you more psych to carry on.

Ø   Self awareness and understand social cues
Ease your emotional triggers and grow more resilient. Beware of what you can handle on your own and what you can’t and if at any point you need help, do not hesitate to seek for it.

Ø   Set Smart goals
Set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound

Ø   Expect disruptions
Know that it is going to be littered with obstacles and people trying to blog you down. Don’t blame yourself or others for keeping you from your goal.

Understand that others won’t like the fact that you would like to change therefore, let that not hinder you from going for what you feel is the better option for you.

Ø   Single Task/ Focus on one goal
Focus on one task at a time; do not be in a rush to finish because you might not do it so well. This will make you be more effective with your task and get more done and you will be less stressed

Ø   Learn from Failures and focus better
There are moments you will feel like you have failed, don’t give up, just learn the lesson and try it once again using a different route and method.

Every experience has a lesson to learn therefore, when you fail figure out what went wrong, plan for it and try again.

Ø   Eliminate the non-essentials
What is most important in your life, this will enable you focus more. Remember that there are things you will have to let go along the way.

Develop a flexible mind, do not be too rigid and hold on to things that will hinder you from achieving your goal.

Ø   Be Patient
Change won’t come overnight, it might be difficult to see change or results in you as quickly or easily as someone may be able to from the outside.

It may be very little that you may not notice it on your own but the fact remains that it is happening

Set smaller goals within the larger ones to be able to determine whether you are heading to the right direction. Reward yourself so as to stay motivated along the way.

Ø   Make it a daily routine
Practice makes perfect; doing something over and over again will enable you get used to the new routine and forget about what you have left behind.

As you make it a daily routine, always focus on the finish. It is easy to burn out and get tired and forget why you are doing it and it is easy to revert to your old ways. Find something to hold on to

Always remember that no one is perfect; we all make mistakes at one point or another the most important thing is the lesson we get from it.

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