

Sunday 30 August 2015


Reduce the hurt and anger you have in you, don’t live in the past but rather in the present and enjoy what life has to offer. Let go of what you have held for so long and the lightness you will feel in you will enable you to move forward. The baggage you keep on holding onto is pulling you down and will eventually destroy you.

How to forgive yourself
·         Understand the importance of forgiveness
Understand what forgiveness will do to you, forgiving allows you to live in the present and not in the past.

·         Unburden yourself
How much do you have in you that is negative? Start by getting it off your chest; let go of the fears, resentments, harsh judgments about yourself and others. Be willing to let go of the limiting attitudes and assumptions that are weighing you down and replace them with empowering rewarding beliefs.
Reduce the hurt and anger by avoiding to talk about your wrong doings and how bad of a person you are because you will create this reality in your mind too.

Reduce the constant critical voice in your head and start replacing the negative behavior and thoughts with positive ones.

·         Deal with your unspoken
There are negative things in your life that you may not feel comfortable sharing or even you don’t know how to talk about them. Some of these things could be past abuses (physical, emotional or even sexual), rejection etc. Just make a decision whether you want to share or they will rather stay in you. If you decide not to talk about them, then know how to deal with the unspoken so that they don’t keep on pulling you down each time you want to get up and do something new and good in your life.

·         Self acceptance
Accept yourself even with all your faults and shortcomings; this helps you acknowledge no one is perfect, we all have weakness. Love yourself for who you are and not what other people want you to be.

·         Affirm your self worth
When you know who you are; it doesn’t matter what negative criticisms you receive from others. Because you are human and to avoid this getting into you; don’t force yourself to hang around people who bring back the past for you in a negative way, people who push your buttons devalue or belittle you and who are insensitive.

·         Be grateful and learn to apologize
Appreciate the little things and learn to say sorry when you are wrong rather that being defensive.

Learn to let go; let go of other peoples’ expectations for you and stop punishing yourself because it is hard to please other people.   Do this for yourself and not for any other person; when you change yourself for the better you are even comfortable in your own skin and you wouldn’t mind the negative talks from other people.

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