

Tuesday 14 April 2015


Negative thoughts drain you of energy and keep you from being in the present moment. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become.  What we usually notice about negative thinking first is the Effect, not the Cause, of it. In fact, we may not even beware that we’re thinking negatively, we’re just aware of how we feel in response to it. Below are some of the consequences of negative mindset.

 Ø  Negative Mindset Creates Unpleasant Future

Your present actions determine your future. If you constantly moan and are dissatisfied with your circumstances, in the future you are sure to meet with more of the things you are unhappy about. The more you complain, the more you will find things to complain about. Do you know that it is possible for your fears to be confirmed?

Ø  Negative Mindset Harms others
For example, when in a negative mood; have you ever said something that offended the people around you? You may realize it later and say sorry but the sad thing is that you cannot undo whatever you said. Come to think of it, how many times are you going to say sorry?  I know it may not be your wish to harm them but then again a bad mood can control you.

Ø  Negative Mindset Shortens your Life
Negative thoughts bring about stress, and do you know what stress does to you? You would rather worry about the complications that come with stress than convincing yourself that it is hard to control stress.  You are shortening your life every time you let negative emotions overtake you. 

Ø  Negative Mindset Produces Negative Effects 
Think of the frustrations and depression, when in this state of mind, everyone else annoys you and you will find a fault in anything and everyone even Jesus.  The anxiety or fear and in the process you start anticipating that bad things will happen to you.  When you feel that anger; I tell you, you rather keep it to yourself because I know regrets will follow after you have done something bad.  How far has anger ever taken you? What did you do that you wish you had controlled your emotions.  Do you at times feel tired while in a bad mood.  

A negative mindset drains you inside without you realizing it; it is so poisonous in a way that it eats you up silently.  Think of all these things; but the big question to answer is; are able to notice when you are in a bad mood? 

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