

Monday 15 March 2021


Evil strongholds are developed when a person has an inner pulling toward sin and moves towards it which may turn to an addiction that may become hard to overcome. They are usually triggered by events or circumstances in our lives or what we choose to let in. A person may allow strongholds in through feelings and thoughts. Evil strongholds are also developed through unconfessed sin in one’s life, lies you may have believed, occult activity, hereditary/in your lineage, unforgiveness, etc., 

Evil spiritual strongholds are a point of operation from where the devil can keep a believer incapacitated or an unbeliever captive. In other words, an evil stronghold is an area of darkness in our personality or mind that causes ongoing emotional, spiritual, and/or behavioral problems. 

Examples of evil strongholds include bitterness (anger, hate, violence, unforgiveness, etc.), insecurity (inferiority, shyness, etc.), jealousy (spitefulness, judgmental, suspicious nature, etc.), rebellion, pride, sexual impurity (lust, masturbation, fornication, pornography, etc.), fear and many others. For further reading go to

Friday 14 February 2020

Life in Abundance: Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven

Life in Abundance is a Christian book showing a clear picture on an abundant life as God intended for us. The book clearly makes one understand God's covenant and know the mysteries of the kingdom. It gives you the inner teachings of the gospel and the spiritual world. The book also contains real life experiences as well as testimonies for the reader to easily relate to as the almighty God is glorified.

Please follow the link below to be able to buy the book.

Sunday 7 August 2016


There is so much in our local food store that we at times never pay attention to, the more we ignore these healthy foods is the more will be our visits to the doctor.  All you need is to eat the right foods and it will save you a lot of money. 

Thursday 21 July 2016


Talent is a natural endowment of a person; it is natural capacity or an ability that we have. We all have talents but I know for some people it can be quite difficult to discover them, not knowing that they could be right in front of them.

Sunday 19 June 2016


You may not have control over what others do but you can take control over how you want to feel. You can choose to feel peaceful regardless of what you observe going on. You can decide to release and heal or hold on to it and inflict more pain to yourself.

Wednesday 8 June 2016


It is true forgiving is not an easy thing to do but then again who benefits? Definitely it’s the one who forgives. You have already been hurt so don’t continue to inflict further suffering to yourself. Not forgiving or carrying grudge is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. Grudge will eat you up inside and before you realize, you have a lot of anger, resentment, stress, anxiety, depression that will in turn bring more harm to your body. 

Sunday 20 December 2015


An ideal lifestyle is a moving target and it changes as we change therefore, the ideal life for you today may not be the ideal one for you next week or next month and the life you choose to live may come at a cost. Things like health, career, finance, fun and relationships may seem important to you but how often do you take time to prioritize them. 


Evil strongholds are developed when a person has an inner pulling toward sin and moves towards it which may turn to an addiction that may be...