Evil strongholds are developed when a person has an inner pulling toward sin and moves towards it which may turn to an addiction that may become hard to overcome. They are usually triggered by events or circumstances in our lives or what we choose to let in. A person may allow strongholds in through feelings and thoughts. Evil strongholds are also developed through unconfessed sin in one’s life, lies you may have believed, occult activity, hereditary/in your lineage, unforgiveness, etc.,
Evil spiritual strongholds are a point of operation from where the devil can keep a believer incapacitated or an unbeliever captive. In other words, an evil stronghold is an area of darkness in our personality or mind that causes ongoing emotional, spiritual, and/or behavioral problems.
Examples of evil strongholds include bitterness (anger, hate, violence, unforgiveness, etc.), insecurity (inferiority, shyness, etc.), jealousy (spitefulness, judgmental, suspicious nature, etc.), rebellion, pride, sexual impurity (lust, masturbation, fornication, pornography, etc.), fear and many others. For further reading go to https://www.amazon.com/Life-Abundance-Mysteries-Kingdom-Heaven-ebook/dp/B082Y9ZM11/ref=pd_rhf_se_p_img_1?_